Divorce can be many things, but there is one thing it normally is not: pleasant. Generally, there are many negative emotions surrounding a divorce, and this is prior to digging into the legalese of it. However, if you can manage to keep a working relationship with...
Experienced Family Law Attorney You Can Trust
Firm News
Do I have to disclose cryptocurrency as a marital asset?
Cryptocurrency exchanges provide platforms for secure, instant and global transfers of money. According to Forbes, the blockchain technology that encrypts transactions and makes them virtually tamper-proof also provides a significant measure of anonymity. This secrecy...
What is “gaslighting”?
When it comes to domestic violence, “gaslighting” has become increasingly popular term in California. Gaslighting is one form of emotional abuse recognized in the state, but understanding what it means requires a short primer in the performing arts. According to the...
What to do with your 401k?
As you enter into your divorce proceedings in Sacramento, you should prepare to encounter at least a few surprises. Many feel as though they understand everything they could encounter when working through their divorce, yet the complexities of the process will almost...
Is joint custody the best option for your children?
When you are a parent facing divorce, custody likely tops your list of things to worry about. In all likelihood, your spouse feels the same way. Neither of you wants to become the absentee parent who sees the children only every other weekend and every other holiday....
What is the difference between physical and legal custody?
It is common to simply refer to child custody as just that, but the reality is a bit more complex. Child custody is comprised of multiple components that are designed to protect the best interest of the child. According to FindLaw, child custody involves both legal...
Can joint custody benefit everyone?
When California parents divorce, custody is a top priority. The two primary options parents have are joint and sole custody. Each one has its own benefits and drawbacks. Which one benefits your family depends on unique circumstances. Today we will take a look at joint...
How can you keep a divorce amiable?
When California couples split, tempers tend to flare. People point fingers and sling accusations. They say things in the heat of the moment that they do not mean. Divorce is a painful and hurtful predicament for everyone involved. So how can you keep things amiable?...
Should you get a prenup?
More California residents these days consider signing a prenuptial agreement before marriage. They are commonly known as prenups. These agreements help preserve a person's property in the event of a divorce. Though once viewed as a tool for the wealthy, views on...
Can I modify a child support order?
When California parents divorce, the court decides on support payments. Based on many factors, they give an order to the supporting parent to pay a certain amount every month. But are you locked into that payment forever? Today we will answer that question. The...